BioNukleo produces a broad spectrum of nucleoside, nucleotide, and sugar modifying enzymes. We have built an extensive enzyme library that includes both selective and promiscuous enzymes working under a wide variety of conditions (e.g. temperature or solvent stable enzymes). We offer biocatalysts from the following classes:
⚪ Oxidoreductases acting on the CH-OH group of donors (NAD+ or NADP+), EC 1.1.1.x
> Go to Redox-Reaction
🟢 Transferases transfering pentosyl moieties, EC 2.4.2.x
🔴 Transferases transfering phosphorus-containing groups, EC 2.7.1-4.x
🟡 Transferases transfering nucleotidyl moieties, EC 2.7.7.x
🔵 Hydrolases acting on N-glycosyl compounds, EC 3.2.2.x
🟠 Isomerases confering the intramolecular transfer of phosphate groups, EC 5.4.2.x
Many enzymatic reactions require ATP as a co-substrate, and the availability of ATP can be a limiting factor in biocatalytic processes. To overcome this challenge, ATP regeneration systems have been developed.
Do you need help choosing the right enzyme for your desired reaction? Please check out our functional screening service!